KTM Race Cross MTB 2012 anthrazit-matt RH 57 cm 10,90 kg [Misc.]
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"KTM Race Cross MTB 2012 anthrazit-matt RH 57 cm 10,90 kg [Misc.]" Feature
Beschreibung: KTM Race - Alloy 6061-T6 triplebut ted Racegeom. H.T-71° / S.T-73° rear triangle w/Wishbone muscle shap an Box design at dropout Alloy 3-D Dropout - w/Postmount for DiscRahmen: Race Alloy M: 1223
Alloyframe Al6061 TB extralite
Headtube 1.1/8
FD-Direktmontage, Ext: 135QR
Gabel: Rock Shox Reba RL 100
Sp: dual air, D: Motion Control
100 mm, Remote-Lockout
Schaltwerk: Shimano Deore XT M780
Schalthebel: Shimano SLX-10/SLX-3
Kettenwerfer: Shimano SLX-E
Zahnkranz: Shimano HG62-10 11-34
Kettenradgarnitur: Shimano SLX 42-32-24
Mittellager: Shimano BB70
Pedale: Shimano M505
Rotor: Shimano RT67 180/160
Bremsen vorne: Shimano SLX Disc
Bremsen hinten: Shimano SLX Disc
Nabe vorne: Shimano SLX M665
Nabe hinten: Shimano SLX M665
Felgen: Ryde Taurus
Reifen: Schwalbe Racing Ralph 2.1 Evo, folding
Steuersatz: Ritchey Comp Logic Zero Drop-In
Lenkervorbau: Ritchey Comp 4-axis Ahead 6°
Lenker: Ritchey Comp Flat 620
Griffbezug: KTM VLG864-1AD3 Neopren
Sattel: Selle Italia X1 Flow
Sattelstütze: Ritchey Comp 350/27.2
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